From the Nation on April 3, 2012

HRH Princess Srirasmi opens a yoga studio on palace property to share the health benefits
Her Royal Highness Princess Srirasmi has opened a yoga studio called Sukhoyoga in a botanical wonderland owned by her father on Sukhothai Road.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn granted a portion of the Dusit property known as Province 904 to let his consort pursue – and share – her keenness for yoga as a means of bolstering health and the overall quality of life.
Last week’s grand opening took the form of an elegant high tea with delectable sweets from Silpacheep 904, the royal shop adjacent.
Sukhoyoga was crowded with dignitaries and celebrities, many of them yoga practitioners. On hand were MR Sorut Visudhi, MR Dajrabimala and Vimolbhatara Tungkanaj, Police General Sant Sarutanond, Somkid Jatusripitak, Nipon Promphan, Khunying Sudarat Keyuraphan and Sunathee Isvaphornchai.
Nualphan Lamsam was there too, along with Phornthip Valyasevi, Thirayuth and Chanadda Chirathivat, Kanokpan Hetrakul, Araya A Hargate, Saharat Sangkapreecha, Korn Narongdej, Naphaporn Bodhiratanangkul, Lucksameekarn Ingkakul, Achara Umpujh, Patara SiraOrn, Phattarapol and Suwadee Pungboonpra, Acharaphan Paiboonsuwan, Patravadi Meechuton and Darika Punnakun.
“One of the most important factors in ensuring good quality of life is being healthy in both body and mind,” Princess Srirasmi says.
“A few years ago I found a path to good health in the practice of yoga, which helps improve the muscles, flexibility, metabolism and cardiovascular system. Now I’m providing a highquality yoga studio, which I have personally overseen and approved, for royal officials and the general public, to improve their health amid the beauty of nature at Sukhoyoga.”
The Princess stresses the essence of yoga, which is breath control – regulating the process of inhalation and exhalation.
“Apart from the health and fitness benefits,” she says, focusing on the breath enables yoga practitioners “to more effectively stay focused and eventually find true peace of mind. This is the key to the happiness one can find in balancing body, mind and nature.”
Sukhoyaga is surrounded by an extensive and wellmaintained botanical garden. The 500squaremetre yoga studio has a minimalist design, with floortoceiling windows allowing natural light and beautiful views of the garden.
Decorated with natural materials, the studio is warm and contemporary. It offers a lovely reception area, a large and convenient parking area and separate practice rooms for the varieties known as Hot Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Plus Yoga and Yoga Fly.
Hot Yoga is done in a room heated to 37 degrees. Gentle Yoga emphasises body balance. Plus Yoga combines body postures and breathing with the Sun Salutation pose.
Yoga Fly is a relatively new development that integrates Pilates, dancing and acrobatics. With a fully balanced body the goal, Yoga Fly is performed on soft and flexible “aerial silk”, offering a unique opportunity to exercise “without gravity”.
Princess Srirasmi loves all kinds of yoga, and at the moment she enjoys Yoga Fly the most since it also helps build up muscle.
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